Moving Forward with Purpose

I heard my daughter speaking with my wife the other day. My wife is always busy, so most conversations happen on speaker phone. My daughter, a young, successful twenty-something, was telling my wife she was adjusting her intake of online content, social media, etc. She was doing it for “her own mental health”, recognizing that […]

Your Life Is Your Message

 My perspectives on race were formed at a very young age on athletic fields and in gyms. I remember being 10 years old playing youth football on a team called the Azzarelli Colts in Kankakee, IL. We had a drill we would do. Two guys stand side by side, and a running back tried to […]

Town Building the New American Town

Much has been written about the changing nature of the workplace and the market demands of fulfilling the needs of distributed workers, the need for employers to attract knowledge workers, and town design that thwarts rather than supports sprawl by bringing the neighborhood and workplace together. The Town Builders Collaborative (TBC) represents leading edge thinkers […]

Busy-ness…the Enemy of Relationships

Change of seasons brings on change of schedules. In my house, we integrate 6 different schedules into a cohesive family unit. It actually looks more like the workings off a beehive or ant hill, with all the frantic coming and going. There are school activities, church activities, sports activities, work activities, social activities, home activities…that’s […]

Can Partnership Churches Play Well Together in the Same Sandbox?

  The answer is…….kind of…….. 15 years ago we set out to build quality relationships in neighborhoods. Integrating a spiritual component was foundational to creating the type of relationships among residents that would last and go deeper than current typical neighborhood relationships. At first, our challenges were focused on how to integrate a church in […]


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