Award Nomination…No Big Surprise?

No Surprises Here

Click on the above link to watch the nomination video.

  1. Were we surprised to find out that one of our Community Life Program was nominated for an Apartment industry award? No, it’s what we do.
  2. Were we surprised that the award was the ‘spirit’ award? Nah, it makes sense, because that’s the essence of our job description.
  3. Were we surprised that these 2 individual CLAs were nominated for this particular award? Nope, it’s who they are, why we hired them and how they’re trained.
  4. Were we surprised to see a video with this team involved in a dozen different ways with staff and residents, building quality relationships? Not a chance, it’s their passion.

Community Life builds cultures of genuine community at every property. You can give us an award if you want, but we’ll do it anyways. It’s who we are.


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