How do our tutoring students improve almost 2 grade levels in only 40 hours?

The average improvement for students finishing 40 tutoring sessions in either reading or math in our Academic Enrichment Program is 1.8 years.  How is this possible?  Do we have magic curriculum?  Do our tutors know something classroom teacher don’t?  Have we found a miracle way to have kids retain all they have learned? Actually, the […]

Friendship Centre’s First Intern

We have our first student intern, Kailey Rodriguez from the CAC’s Underground Student Resident Program, helping out with  Children’s Programs and Special Events here at the Friendship Centre.  Kailey is a junior at Plainfield East High School  and was chosen as one of the first four student residents, as part of the HighPoint University program.  […]

Award Nomination…No Big Surprise?

No Surprises Here Click on the above link to watch the nomination video. Were we surprised to find out that one of our Community Life Program was nominated for an Apartment industry award? No, it’s what we do. Were we surprised that the award was the ‘spirit’ award? Nah, it makes sense, because that’s the […]

Who is my (next door apartment) neighbor?

There is a classical biblical story where some teachers of the law are up to their usual tricks; trying to trap and discredit Jesus’ teaching and authority. However, Jesus does what he does best and out-maneuvers the ‘best and brightest.’  I’m referring to the parable of the Good Samaritan. In Luke, Jesus tells this story […]

Summer Lunch Program – It’s About More Than the Food

I just had the privilege to spend my lunch break with some of the children that take advantage of the Summer Lunch Program here at the Friendship Centre.  This program came to fruition through a partnership with the Northern Illinois Food Bank, we are one of approximately 140 sites across Northern Illinois that help to provide meals for […]


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