3 on 3 Basketball Tournament

Community Life, in partnership with  HighPoint Apartments  and the Institute for Community put on a 3 on 3 basketball tournament this past weekend.  Athletes of all ages came out to hit the courts and make it to the finals.  Good times were had by all! Did you know that the Friendship Centre regularly has open gym time? […]

Hey Everyone, This is Spencer!

 Hello Community Life followers. I wanted to introduce you to the latest aquisition of Community Life leadership-Spencer Cary. Obviously the photo is in jest, but Spencer’s heart and passion for community is not! Spencer and his wife Anna moved to Louisville in the summer of 2011. Shortly after, they became a Community Life team at one […]

Jerry and Alex are a great asset to the community; says who?

Who says Jerry and Alex are a great value to the apartment community; everyone! This is an actual letter from a resident of one of our Community Life apartments. The resident praises the overall value of the property, and specifically points on some of the most fundamental reasons we created Community Life. Check out the […]

Award Nomination…No Big Surprise?

No Surprises Here Click on the above link to watch the nomination video. Were we surprised to find out that one of our Community Life Program was nominated for an Apartment industry award? No, it’s what we do. Were we surprised that the award was the ‘spirit’ award? Nah, it makes sense, because that’s the […]

Are You Winning? This Should Help!

So, are you winning? 3CMS, the Spiritual Report, Community Life Activity Report, Alternative 3C Discipleship Guide, Coaching Handbook, NEXT, REVEAL, CL Budget, annual reviews, etc. These have all been systems, initiatives and measurement tools in my ministy/vocational career, which have taught me lots. These tools have taught me many important things, such as: numbers don’t capture […]

Who is my (next door apartment) neighbor?

There is a classical biblical story where some teachers of the law are up to their usual tricks; trying to trap and discredit Jesus’ teaching and authority. However, Jesus does what he does best and out-maneuvers the ‘best and brightest.’  I’m referring to the parable of the Good Samaritan. In Luke, Jesus tells this story […]

Community Life will host a Forge gathering next week!

AWAKEN your missional imagination as we celebrate stories of being in the neighborhood! As followers of Jesus we aspire to be like Jesus in every way, even in how we go about being on  mission. And how did Jesus do mission? In John 1:14 it states, “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into […]

Community Life Louisville Leadership Gathering This Weekend!

This weekend, I’ll host the 2nd official Community Life Leadership Gathering for the all the Louisville teams! We’re 6 months into this regional launch and I couldn’t be more impressed by the faithful servant leaders who are living among neighbors; serving and caring for all. Every time I begin to assemble a meeting agenda, I […]

Community Life Expands in Louisville-Welcomes Mallgate

Community Life Launches Mallgate! The beginning of July brought sizzling temperatures all across the United States, including Louisville, KY. Fortunately, Community Life countered the 104 degree heat on Saturday, July 7th by hosting a refreshing pool party at our latest property! Mallgate came online at the beginning of July to become the 8th property in […]


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